Class ReceiveMessageOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReceiveMessageOptions

        public ReceiveMessageOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • visibilityTimeout

        public ReceiveMessageOptions visibilityTimeout​(Integer visibilityTimeout)
        The duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a ReceiveMessage request.
        visibilityTimeout - Constraints: 0 to 43200 (maximum 12 hours) Default: The visibility timeout for the queue
      • attributes

        public ReceiveMessageOptions attributes​(Iterable<String> attributes)
        The attribute you want to get. All - returns all values. SenderId - returns the AWS account number (or the IP address, if anonymous access is allowed) of the sender. SentTimestamp - returns the time when the message was sent (epoch time in milliseconds). ApproximateReceiveCount - returns the number of times a message has been received but not deleted. ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp - returns the time when the message was first received (epoch time in milliseconds).