Class DeployVirtualMachineOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • DeployVirtualMachineOptions

        public DeployVirtualMachineOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • diskOfferingId

        public DeployVirtualMachineOptions diskOfferingId​(String diskofferingid)
        the ID of the disk offering for the virtual machine. If the template is of ISO format, the diskOfferingId is for the root disk volume. Otherwise this parameter is used to dinidcate the offering for the data disk volume. If the templateId parameter passed is from a Template object, the diskOfferingId refers to a DATA Disk Volume created. If the templateId parameter passed is from an ISO object, the diskOfferingId refers to a ROOT Disk Volume created.
        diskofferingid - the ID of the disk offering
      • displayName

        public DeployVirtualMachineOptions displayName​(String displayName)
        sets the displayName - just for display purposes. We don't pass this parameter to the backend.
        displayName - an optional user generated name for the virtual machine
      • name

        public DeployVirtualMachineOptions name​(String name)
        sets the hostName, it will be propagated down to the backend and set on the user vm. If this parameter is not passed it, it will be defaulted to our usual "i-x-y'
        name - host name for the virtual machine
      • ipOnDefaultNetwork

        public DeployVirtualMachineOptions ipOnDefaultNetwork​(String ipOnDefaultNetwork)
        ipOnDefaultNetwork - the requested ip address (2.2.12 only option)
      • securityGroupId

        public DeployVirtualMachineOptions securityGroupId​(String securityGroupId)
        securityGroupId - security group applied to the virtual machine. Should be passed only when vm is created from a zone with Basic Network support
      • securityGroupIds

        public DeployVirtualMachineOptions securityGroupIds​(Iterable<String> securityGroupIds)
        securityGroupIds - security groups applied to the virtual machine. Should be passed only when vm is created from a zone with Basic Network support
      • dataDiskSize

        public DeployVirtualMachineOptions dataDiskSize​(long dataDiskSize)
        dataDiskSize - the arbitrary size for the DATADISK volume.
      • userData

        public DeployVirtualMachineOptions userData​(byte[] unencodedData)
        unencodedData - an optional binary data that can be sent to the virtual machine upon a successful deployment. This binary data must be base64 encoded before adding it to the request. Currently only HTTP GET is supported. Using HTTP GET (via querystring), you can send up to 2KB of data after base64 encoding.