Class Bundles

  • public final class Bundles
    extends Object
    Utility functions helpful in working with bundles.
    • Method Detail

      • instantiateAvailableClasses

        public static <T><T> instantiateAvailableClasses​(org.osgi.framework.Bundle bundle,
                                                                                                Iterable<String> classNames,
                                                                                                Class<T> type)
        instantiates the supplied classnames using the bundle classloader, and casts to the supplied type. Any errors are silently ignored.
        instances that could be instantiated without error.
      • stringsForResourceInBundle

        public static<String> stringsForResourceInBundle​(String resourcePath,
                                                                                                org.osgi.framework.Bundle bundle)
        Reads the resource from a Bundle.
        resourcePath - The path to the resource.
        bundle - The bundle to read from.
        strings delimited by newline in the stream or empty set, on any exception.