Interface BlobRequestSigner

    • Method Detail

      • signGetBlob

        HttpRequest signGetBlob​(String container,
                                String name)
        gets a signed request, including headers as necessary, to access a blob from an external client.
        container - container where the blob resides
        directory - full path to the blob
        UnsupportedOperationException - if not supported by the provider
      • signGetBlob

        HttpRequest signGetBlob​(String container,
                                String name,
                                long timeInSeconds)
        gets a signed request, including headers as necessary, to allow access to a blob from an external client for a limited period of time
        timeInSeconds - validity time in seconds for the generated request
        See Also:
        signGetBlob(String, String)
      • signPutBlob

        HttpRequest signPutBlob​(String container,
                                Blob blob)
        gets a signed request, including headers as necessary, to upload a blob from an external client.
         Blob blob = context.getBlobStore.blobBuilder().name("name").forSigning().contentType("text/plain")
        container - container where the blob resides
        blob - what to upload
        UnsupportedOperationException - if not supported by the provider
        See Also: