ApacheCon EU 2014 accepted three jclouds-related talks, including an overview of jclouds and detailed discussions of cloud object storage and cloud databases.

Introduction to Apache jclouds

Ignasi Barrera will give an overview of jclouds, focussing on core, compute and configuration management. The talk will set the basis for understanding how jclouds works and how you can use it to get the best out of its features. Ignasi has a long history of involvement in jclouds, including Abiquo and Chef support.

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Cloud storage with Apache jclouds

Andrew Gaul will discuss jclouds support for cloud object storage. Andrew will describe how to build applications portable between providers and how to scale up in capacity and out to many clients.

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Taming the cloud database with Apache jclouds

Zack Shoylev will discuss jclouds support for cloud databases, specifically OpenStack Trove. Zack has an extensive background in cloud computing and previously presented at ApacheCon US 2014.

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There will also be several talks on other projects in the jclouds ecosystem, such as Apache Stratos or Apache Brooklyn (incubating), you might like if you’re interested in jclouds.

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